
Sunday, February 15, 2015


I can't help but think this semester is truly flying by in a blink. How are we already halfway through February (and over 1/4 through the semester)?

Luckily, I've been able to spend a lot of quality time with my friends over the last few weeks. Galentine's Day brunch was amazing, as was this whole weekend.

Two awesome things happened to me this week. First, I ran the furthest I have ever run! 5 miles in the books friends! I've been doing a pretty good job sticking to my schedule, although I did need to take a few days off last week... I could feel the shin splints coming on and did everything I could to avoid them. It's worked so far!

Second, I attended my weekly sorority Bible study last Thursday and was reminded of freshman year memories. I wouldn't say my transition into college was awful, but it definitely was not easy for me. I was 600 miles from home and while getting away was something I always wanted, I felt so lost in an entirely new world called "college." Every day before classes, I would sit in our on-campus church and just think, reflect, and pray a little. My faith grew so much in my first semester because God was the only constant in my life through every transition and bump in the road. As I branched out and made friends, I stopped spending this personal reflection time with Him. But after going to Kappa Bible study last week and thinking ahead to Ash Wednesday this week, I really want to get back into spending time each weekday with God (my Lenten promise to myself). I love spending time thinking, and there's really no better place to do it than St. John's.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!


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